hazardous substances
The storage of hazardous substances is a sensitive matter. If stored improperly, they can quickly become a problem for people and the environment. A special hazardous material store is required for the storage of hazardous substances. When storing, certain precautionary measures must be taken and rules must be followed.
hazardous substances or dangerous goods
Substances with hazardous properties are called hazardous substances in chemical logistics. They can ignite during storage, pose a hazard to the environment or cause acute or chronic damage to human health. The national legislation of the substances of which defined properties have been declared as hazardous substances is called the Hazardous Substances Ordinance (GefStoffV).
Dangerous goods, on the other hand, are substances or objects that pose a risk to animals, the environment or people in connection with their transport. This means that e.g. Lithium batteries are dangerous goods, whereas cement is a hazardous substance.